Common Grease Trap Problems and Solutions

The grease trap is an essential component of a plumbing system in any commercial kitchen and food service establishment. It is designed to capture and separate fats, oils, and grease from wastewater, preventing them from entering the sewer system and causing blockages. If you are having problems with your grease trap in South Flordia, Ameri-Clean Pumping is here to provide insight into four common problems with grease traps and their solutions. If you are in need of grease trap cleaning services, contact us today

Grease Accumulation and Blockages

Over years of being in business, grease can accumulate in the trap, forming thick layers that reduce its effectiveness to capture fats, oils, and grease. This in turn leads to blockages, slow drainage, odors, and even backups. In order to address these problems, regular maintenance is crucial. Make sure to clean your grease traps and pump them out at regular intervals. Our professional grease trap cleaning team can remove the accumulated grease and ensure the trap is functioning properly. 

Inadequate Sizing

There are times when the trap is not the appropriate size for the amount of fat, oil, and grease generated by your kitchen. This is not uncommon, but if the grease trap is too small it can fill up quickly, which leads to a higher frequency of overflow. The solution is simple, upgrading to a larger grease trap system. Our team of professionals can assess your kitchen’s production of grease and recommend the right size for the trap to prevent future problems. 

Poor Maintenance Practices

A very common problem that occurs with grease traps is improper maintenance. When plates and utensils are not properly scraped before washing them, pouring grease directly into the drain, or using chemicals that break down the grease trap’s effectiveness it will create a variety of issues in the future. In order to avoid these problems, it is essential that managers train their staff on proper grease disposal and implement regular maintenance protocols. Cleaning and maintaining the grease traps should be done weekly for them to function properly in the future. 

Damaged or Faulty Components

Grease traps consist of multiple components, including baffles, inlet and outlet pipes, and lids. After years of use, these components can become damaged, corroded, or misaligned, leading to leaks and odors. It’s important to look for signs of visible damage or if the trap is not functioning properly and quickly call a professional. Ameri-Clean Pumping can identify, repair, and replace any faulty components, ensuring the system is performing properly. 

When your grease trap isn’t maintained properly it can lead to multiple issues that could put your business at risk. Luckily, there are several solutions to address these issues. If your business is in need of grease trap pumping in South Flordia, contact Ameri-Clean Pumping and we will ensure your grease trap is maintaining local compliance and regulations. 

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